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Goals and Responsibilities of the ADMB

The primary ADMB responsibility and policy is to:

  • Formulate the animal damage management policy of the state.

  • ADMB Policy

  • Adopt rules through the Administrative Procedures act to implement policies administered by the ADMB.

  • Entertain requests for assistance in order to allow mitigation of predator damage.

  • Specify programs designed to prevent damage by predatory animals, predacious birds, and depredating animals to livestock, crops, wildlife, property, human health and safety.

  • Specify methods for the prevention and management of damage and for the selective control of predatory animals, predacious birds, and depredating animals.

  • Maintain responsibility and appropriate funds for the purpose of providing damage prevention and management to agricultural livestock and crops, wildlife, property, human health and safety caused by predatory animals, predacious birds, and depredating animals.

  • Cooperate with federal, state and county governments, educational institutions and private persons or organizations to effectuate agricultural and wildlife damage prevention policies.

  • Develop memorandums of understanding between the Wyoming Department of Agriculture and the Wyoming Game and Fish commission and the United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services to accommodate funding sources and administrative guidelines for the program.

  • Consider any recommendations received from the Wyoming game and fish commission and the Wyoming department of agriculture.

  • Elect to provide various degrees of predator damage management services to any other person pursuant to a separately negotiated cooperative agreement.


ADMB Funding Sources
  • General fund appropriations from the Wyoming Legislature
  • An annual $200,000.00 request to the Wyoming Game & Fish Commission
  • A voluntary Wildlife Damage Management fee is available from all license selling agents
  • A voluntary transfer of Landowner Coupons to research
  • A voluntary Brand Inspection Fee of ten-cents per head of livestock.  This is in addition to the current fee (set annually by local predator management district board) statutorily assessed and paid by the livestock producer.

Wildlife Damage Management Voluntary Fee  

 is $2.00 each for Calendar Year 2021.

     Any person may donate a voluntary Fee to express support for the ADMB. The ADMB generously expresses a thank you to all individuals who purchase one. Click HERE

     Effective January 1, 2021, a voluntary "Wildlife Damage Management" Fee will be available for sale. This Fee, can be paid at licensed selling agents as designated by the Wyoming game & fish commission.

     Proceeds  [excluding fifty cents ($.50) which the agent retains for each purchase] goes to help fund the activities of the Animal Damage Management Board. The Wyoming game & fish commission is authorized to retain such fees as related to those administrative costs which are required to design and print stamps, and collect, account for and disburse these funds to the ADMB.

     Proceeds are NOT used for compensation to individuals who experience damage caused by wildlife to private property.

Landowner Coupon Affidavits

Brand Inspection Fee  

     Any person paying the predator fee may pay an additional ten cents ($.10) per head [on livestock] to fund the predator management activities of the Wyoming Animal Damage Management Board created by Wyoming Statute 11-6-303.  Any fees collected pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited in the animal damage management account created by Wyoming Statute 11-6-306.  Livestock producers have the option to voluntarily contribute to the ADMB at the time of brand inspection.  This ten cents ($.10) per head is in addition to the other predator fees imposed.

     Starting on January 1, 2000 a check-off section on the standard "A" form used by the Wyoming Livestock Board's brand inspectors will be used to denote contribution to the ADMB of the voluntary assessment. If a producer chooses to contribute the ten cents ($.10) per head, statutory language requires two separate check to be written: one for the required brand inspection fees; and the second check for the voluntary contribution to the ADMB.





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